Tuesday 17 October 2017

Black Man Nation

Africa our home
Africa we call
Africa we are
Africa we live
Africa are we

A Nation full of Black people
A Nation of prestige people
Dynamic as a community
Black as a beauty
A beautiful life of freedom
Patriotic as an armed force
Strong as a ROCK
Ready like a striking thunder
And steadfast as a triggered bullet 

We hail , in honour to Africa my motherland 
We fought together to be free
To be free from slavery To be excluded from the poverty striken cycle
I say to be free
Free form Injustices
From from maltreatment
Free from callousness
Free from selfishness
And free from corruption 

We need to fight against this bad attributes
We need to fight till we get , what we need
And Democracy as serve as a rekindle for our faith 
Our unity
Our gallant ness
Our freedom
I say for our lives 

But now the African leaders
Are no more God- fearing
They are making life unbearable for us all They are using our hard earned freedom to raise their own children and families
They don't care whether we eat , drink , sleep
Or have peace of mind 

All they know is swindle us and mismanage the country funds
And tells us that they have invested the money for future use
And now the future is here
But we see no change
Neither transformation in our lives
The economy of Africa is dwindling
The price of oil is dropping 

All social amenities are now expensive
Which means recession is eminent
The government has failed
They have failed us
They have failed their mother-land
They have failed Africans as a whole We don't know why public officials defraud the peoples ,citizens
By betraying the trust we imbeded in them
Why is it that African countries still wallow endlessly in the vicious cycle of poverty and
Suferings in the midst of plenty 

We don't know why honor , truth and honesty
Are virtues monster to African leaders
And we must know that today was yesterday's tomorrow
But Africans leaders are trying to rip from where
They did not sow and that is impossible 

All they do is increase there necessity to make the impossible possible and that is not possible
Because we won't take that from them anymore
Africans I call
Africans we all summon let Africans stand and rise once again
Africans unite and break all barriers of life
Thank you very much .
© Jaji Sultan
E-Mail : Jajisultan@gmail.com
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